What to Expect
Secure digital previews and secure online payment removes all the time consuming administration for your Centre.
"It was the easiest photo week I've had in 16 years in childcare."
~ from Hayley, Centre Director, Surrey Hills ~
"I’ve been teaching in EC for 25 years and
worked with many companies along the way.
Hello Photo is by far the most professional,
warm, caring, experienced, skilled, adaptable
and flexible crew I’ve come across!"
~ from Louise, 4yo Kinder Teacher ~
When you make a booking with us to do your kindergarten photography, pre-school photography, ELC photography, childcare photography or kinder photos we will allocate a set number of days (dependant on the size of your centre) to be onsite taking photographs of the children.
Consultation Stage
We will work with you to identify suitable days for your photo shoot. Once the dates are agreed, we will supply you with:
A photo week poster that you can pin up in your foyer to remind families about the upcoming kindergarten photography days.
A flyer for families that can be distributed to let them know the photo week dates, information on how we work and a list of the photo packages and prices.
On the day
We spend some time in each room interacting with the children so they feel comfortable with us and the cameras before we begin.
Individual portraits
We do not want to hold up your staff in the day to day running of the Centre, so where possible, we will just circulate the room and playground, chatting to the children and taking natural individual portraits whilst the children go about their activities.
Group shots
As part of our visit, we usually take a traditional group photo of the kindergarten children with their teacher/carer. Ideally an outdoor setting with natural light works best. We will design the group photos later so it includes your centre's name as a title above the photo and all the children’s names beneath.
Sibling portraits
If there are siblings that attend the same Centre it is always nice to take a few family photos together, we are happy to accommodate this.
We can also help you host a family photography fundraising event, which is a great way to raise money for your organisation.
Preparing the photos
After photo week we go away to process and organise all the photos. We will need a bit of help from you to identify the children in the group photos, but aside from that your work is done!
Family preview
We offer a quick turn around time for families. 2-3 weeks later photographs will be available for families to preview online and purchase.
We will deal directly with families to share photos of their child privately and securely via a website gallery. This removes all the time consuming administration for your Centre. We liaise with each family individually, no tiny proof sheets, order forms or money collection is required.
Families will be contacted electronically by Hello Photo - they can privately view images of their own child plus the formal group photo and then make a purchase.
We remove any inconvenience for Centres in terms of order forms and handling cash, by offering a fast online secure ordering service to families.
Should families choose to purchase kindergarten photos, childcare photos or pre-school photos, we have products to suit all budgets. Prints start from $14 and we have a range of affordable packages. Orders are placed online and payments can be made securely online using a credit card or via a direct bank transfer.
At the end of the buying period, we deliver a personalised envelope for each family that has made a purchase. This will contain prints, group photos, or digital files allowing families to print and share their photos to their hearts content!
Please get in touch to discuss your kindergarten photography, childcare photography, kindy photography, preschool photography requirements and we can talk you though our process in more detail. You will enjoy working with Hello Photo, the Melbourne experts for kindergarten photography and childcare photography in Melbourne.